Children and having time to exercise
Your ‘children’ based exercise plan
I have two lovely children but still like to exercise at the gym. I like most sports in fact; football, rugby, kickboxing, circuit training, cycling and skipping. You name it I like to keep in shape. My biggest challenge currently is my children. I love them dearly but ‘me’ time has almost disappeared altogether. They exhaust me and they rub me up the wrong way. Such is life as a dad. Wouldn’t change it for the world!
Now I did not have a plan as to how I was going to overcome this latest challenge in my ever changing lifestyle. I do like a challenge however and found a way without compromising my children’s innocence, energy and right to play with their daddy. My children are after all the most precious thing in the world to me. Below are some ideas I am currently trialling.
My five step ‘children’ fitness ideas
I wanted to share with you my thoughts for how I am planning daddy time with the kids but still get some fitness in during the week.
- Kiddy ‘gym personal trainer’ exercise plan one
Take the kids swimming on Saturday which should give me my ‘cycling’ pass in the afternoon and possibly do some gym or personal trainer stuff. Sound fair?
- Kiddy ‘gym personal trainer’ exercise plan two
Watch ‘Strictly’ on Saturday night with the wife which gives me a pass to go for an early morning swim on Sunday. Play with the kids in the afternoon.
- Kiddy ‘gym personal trainer’ exercise plan three
Read three bedtime stories every evening, ensure teeth are brushed and tuck them into bed. This will give me my morning ‘garage gym’ work out pass! Kids are happy to compromise too I find!
- Kiddy ‘gym personal trainer’ exercise plan four
Do plenty of colouring in – princesses, cars and be the tickle monster and behave like a kid all over again. This will hopefully lead to a back rub from the wife every so often after a tough workout. Very important this one.
- Kiddy ‘gym personal trainer’ exercise plan five
Be a dad, chill out and accept exercising is not everything. My kids are my everything, want to be with their dad and need to be kept active themselves. Peppa Pig World here we come. Daddy Pig signing off!