
Swimming offers the perfect alternative to running. No knee injuries to worry about here. A wonderful fat burner; a weight loss winner and the perfect conditioner for your heart and core muscles.

Get your swimming right you can say goodbye to your belly.

Swimming gets a little bit of a rough ride however. Who wants to swim lengths? An experienced swimmer will tell you there is so much more to it than swimming length after length.

  • Use a float to work the low body before switching to work the upper body
  • Change stroke and change the pace every few lengths
  • Set a target for the number of lengths you want to complete before having a break

These are the types of things we can do during our workouts in the pool.

Swimming can be an endurance workout (long workout slowly) or a stamina workout (short workout quickly). It really comes down to your level of fitness and working towards a realistic goal that will determine where you begin.


Swimming offers the perfect alternative to running. No knee injuries to worry about here. A wonderful fat burner; a weight loss winner and the perfect conditioner for your heart and core muscles.

Get your swimming right you can say goodbye to your belly.

Swimming gets a little bit of a rough ride however. Who wants to swim lengths? An experienced swimmer will tell you there is so much more to it than swimming length after length.

  • Use a float to work the lower body before switching to work the upper body
  • Change stroke and change the pace every few lengths
  • Set a target for the number of lengths you want to complete before having a break

  • These are the types of things we can do during our workouts in the pool.

    Swimming can be an endurance workout (long workout slowly) or a stamina workout (short workout quickly). It really comes down to your level of fitness and working towards a realistic goal that will determine where you begin.